Success Problem
As a manager, leader, or team member, we can imagine to always follow not only one but two agendas, a task-oriented agenda and a basic people-oriented “agenda”
Traditionally, leadership styles have been characterized, among others, on two essential dimensions: task-oriented versus relationship-oriented. There is a tight interaction between the task and person/relationship aspects. The intention is to find—for each task, goal, or issue—a way to accomplish it in a way that would both (i) accomplish the task, goal, or issue as effectively as possible and (ii) be coherent with person- and relationship-centered principles/values as much as possible.
What needs to be expressed is the interdependence of the two aspects. We need to reach some goal, accomplish something, and thereby be as person/relationship- centered, mature, resourceful, and cooperative as possible. We need to be authentic in a humanistic sense, but in some context, we perceive as relevant—so to speak, to crystallize our personalities and relationships according to some challenge that would help us move forward in a particular task or goal as social human beings.