
Mindset of a leader

Success Problem

Mindset is the way of thinking, the core set of beliefs or assumptions about myself and about the world, that determines the behavior, outlooks and attitudes towards everything. So how a leader's mindset should look like?


The mindset of a successfull leeader should involve principles of "Creator mindset" and "Growth mindset". /As the opposite to Victim and Fixed mindsets/ The most important of such principles are: - i'm creator of my life and have control over it - i accept full responsibility for my life, my actions and my attitude towards any situation in my life - i know my direction and my goals - i always have a choice - i expect positive outcomes of my actions - the skills can be learned and developed with effort (they are not just "given") - the obstacles are challenges that shall be overcomed - the mistakes and failures are natural parts of development and a valuable lessons - in the environment of continuous changes the only stability is the dynamic one


For anyone who is supposed to be a leader or aspires to become one, it could be useful to compare his/her own beliefs with the above principles and if there are any opposites, consider changing them. Some tips that can help with that change: - realization that the current beliefs are blocking the way to goals and vision - meditation and visualization - controlling thoughts and self talk - acting as if the beliefs are already changed - spending time with people that already have the desired beliefs - building habits that supports the change



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