

Success Problem

Trying to convince someone with an argument is an attempt to give reasons why you believe a statement, why you want something, or why you do something. The argument refers to your critical abilities, your reason.


Various techniques can be used in the argument, thanks to which the presented statements will gain convincingness.


These techniques can be: *Giving examples and comparisons : About examples and comparisons has already been written by Aristotle. Regarding the fables, Aristotle refers to the argument of one of the greatest fables, Aesop, who allegedly defended an official in a court case with the help of a fable. * Story argumentation: Storytelling is an emphasized feature of the argument - The power of the story lies in the ability to draw the listener into the story, thanks to which the argument becomes plastic and is listened to much better and easier than its abstract or descriptive version. Man does not just use reason in decision making. Emotion also plays a role here. And that is exactly what the story can appeal to. * Use of metaphors, sayings, or other literary means: The use of metaphors, like the story, has an impact on the non-intellectual aspects of human reasoning. Metaphors can capture the listener's attention and create the impression of the speaker's education and perspective. Sayings, on the other hand, can sound funny, and thus give the listener the idea that the speaker is reasonably sure of his argument. Metaphors and sayings, like stories, can also help to make the arguments presented more memorable. * Visual argumentation: The importance of images has been increasing recently, as modern society is influenced by digital media, which are inherently based on images. If we attach a visual element to an argument, we can achieve greater persuasiveness of the statement we present. * A considered arrangement of ideas which will allow the statement to sound more convincing: Appropriate structuring of theses can also contribute to the clarity and comprehensibility of the argument and can also help the argument to sound better. It is also important to rank the individual arguments. It is important that our speech does not end in a weak impression. Therefore, it is necessary to place considerable emphasis not only on the beginning, but also on the end of our output. * Other techniques: The issue of argumentation is inextricably linked to the issue of communication techniques such as facial expressions, gestures, haptics, proxemics and one’s posture.


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