
Basic rules of the Home Office

Success Problem

Home office as a tool for ensuring business continuity, basic rules.


Setting the efficiency of home office regarding to the customer via internal company´s processes.


Basic rules for home office: 1. Home Office - from the perspective of management and employee, monitoring and analysis of monitoring outputs, their evaluation, setting methodologies. 2. Processes - identification of processes and roles that can be reallocated to the home office in relation to the availability of IT systems, data and information in electronic form 3. Daily Schedule - Set up a regular daily routine, copy your normal daily work schedule, respect time zones for international projects. 4. Socialization - Call instead of emails, send information faster, get feedback straight away and agree on next steps, record and validate to partner via email if needed. 5. Information Flows - Regularly inform other team members of your progress on your work. Stick to each other about work flow, follow the set plan, and if changes are made to the plan, inform your supervisors, affected colleagues, and clients in due time. 6. Communicate with clients openly. Make sure you understand the information correctly. When making calls (videoconference, callconference), always know who you are inviting them to and what information you are sharing at the moment. Be aware of sensitive data. You need to be clear what goals you want to achieve. 7. Planning - plan ahead, try to follow the set mode and precautions. Establish regular information meetings with your supervisor and co-workers. 8. Information Sharing - Share documents so that all those who work with them can access the versioning. 9. Disturbing elements - eliminate them as much as possible. 10. Breaks - don't forget them! 11. Workplace - If the conditions allow you, create a job in your home that you use only for work. But think about what's around you when you are in a video call with a client.



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