
Public-civil partnership

Success Problem

The characteristics of the public-civil partnership projects.


Public-civil partnership (PCP) is a cooperation agreement between the organizations from public and civil sector.


This cooperation is usually related to the financing of the public work by the citizens. Public-civil partnership is an analogy to the public-private partnership (PPP project), where the private partner is exchanged by the civil association. Also here is the partnership distinguished as a short term cooperation for one project or a long term cooperation of the interested parties. Public-civil partnership is an instrument for direct participation of the citizens on the government decisions. The advantages: citizens awareness about the solving of their problems, public support, spirit of cooperation and a confidence between the government and the public, confilcts prevention. The advantage for the politicians is also the popularity of the slogan, that the profit is not for the private person, but for the citizens. The disadvantage is the great dispersion of the citizens opinions and resulting decision slowness. As with the PPP project, also here it must be secured the operation transparency using rigorous contracts in the environment with good law enforcement.



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