
Team work

Success Problem

Team work in project management


Team work is common work of a group of people voluntarily subordinating their individual interests to the group unity and effectivity in realizing the common goals.


The team work characteristics are: • clear project goal or program goal, respected by all project team mem-bers, • informal cooperation without stress among the team members, • participation in the decision making and other activities, supported thro-ugh frequent discussions, • every team member listens actively to others, • the team members tolerate mutually the differences with others, • full and open communication between the team members without forbid-den topics, • the team members have a clear perception and expectations about tasks of other team members. The tasks are delegated fairly to all team members and • the team members are allowed to participate as necessary in the team management, • the team members maintain credible relations also to persons out of the team, affecting the team function. Separate case of the team work is the cooperation in the frame of the agile method.



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