
Causes of risks and opportunities

Success Problem

What are the main causes of the project failure?


Well used project success factors and early removed project failure occasions are the primary project opportunities.


The causes of the project risks are especially the factors of the project failure or project management failures: • project environment influences, • whatever from the interested parties (e.g. the project procuror has unclear visions about the project goal, the contractor fails), • invalid contract, • underestimated project constraints, • imperfect project or program portfolio management. Next project risks sources are also unused project success factors: • innsufficient agreement of the interested parties about the project change management, • innsufficient project support from the permanent organization, • economical, financial, technological, ecological and social project impas-sability, • innsufficient professional competence and project manager’s motivation and undersized project team capacity, • innsufficient project orientation of the permanent organization.



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